Sunday, August 16, 2009

Darya-e-Noor Diamond

Persian You Noor 'in the world's largest uncut diamond - "Daria - from light" sea, "the world's largest diamond cutting and diamond is the sister" Kooh e Noor "the Persian name of the light" means. Mountain "Kooh - e Noor diamond, which is when the tower in London, Iran, Persia, to include the name, but what relevance is shah Ahmed asassination beg looted by Iran, is rare in 1747. Kooh Doc ask Ahmed - July Noor diamond crown jewels of Iran with other precious jewels, left Iran, after it captured the jewel in the British East India Company. In 1850 was presented to Queen Victoria Enter Tower in London.

Daria - You Noor means "Sea of light" in Persian and one of the largest in the world, weighing 182 carats of diamonds (36.4 grams), and pink, which is one of the rarest diamonds in the Daria - You are part of the light this time rattanakorn Iran is one of the oldest diamond known to man.

Daria - You Noor diamond is recognized as the first possession of the Mongol emperor in India. Diamond is the highest rating among the prominent Iranian rattanakorn time

Darayya date after the light to find more information. Extraction is the Golconda diamond mines in India, and southern India possess the value of diamonds Knights Mongols. In 1739 the adventurer Nadir Shah invaded India and Persia and rejected New Delhi, and jewelry have been collected and the looting of the Mongols Darayya the first light. In addition to the Peacock Throne and the Kohinoor. All of these treasures during the Persian, Nadir Shah. Darya first light. As it is.

After the death of Nadir Shah - Daria Nour you inherited by his son, the great, Shahrokh Mirza. Then calculated in the possession of Alam Khan later Khozeimeh Lotf and Ali Khan Zand, a member of the Zand Dynasty in Iran. Agha. Mohammad Khan, the founder of the dynasty Qajar, the sand was defeated Daria Nour - e-mail in the possession of Qajars.

Fatah Ali Shah Qajar name in diamonds. After Nasser Eddin Shah Qajar was often wearing a bracelet. It seems that he believed that this is one of the diamond-decorated as Cyrus the Great. Also fell from the royal gang fashion, he wore a diamond pin.

From time to time, the core is left in the hands of dignitaries of the land is a sign of talent. It is better to be kept hidden jewel in the Golestan Palace Museum. The newspaper Mozzafar religion Shah Qajar time - the king wearing a hat decoration during his visit to Europe in 1902.

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