Sunday, August 16, 2009

Centenary Diamond

Origin of the name

Hundred years after the diamond of his name from the one hundred years, De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd. is celebrating March 11, 1988. Hundred years, in fact, the diamond was discovered July 17, 1986, the Council of Ministers, at the diamond mines, but all those who participated in the discovery of the right to remain silent. De Beers Mining, and the world, only March 11, 1988 in a private room at a dinner in honor of the memory by the Chairman, Mr. Julian Thompson Oglivie immersed in stone, "the percentage of diamonds."
Characteristics of the diamond

Hundred years after the diamond is a 273.85 carat D color diamond with a change of heart. This feature is unique and exceptional clarity of the stone to stone classified internally flawless (as is). The size of the diamonds is 50.50 x 39.90 x 24.55 mm. Stone with a total of 247 of the various aspects, to 164 kroner, and the wing, and 83 in each domain. Hundred years after the diamond is said to be the world's largest, face, D color, flawless diamond is not in the world. 3 It is also the largest D-color diamond face in the world and, in general, and 5 faces the largest diamond in the world. See the table below and order in the list of famous diamonds in different locations

List of famous D-color diamonds over 100 carats in weight


Name Carat Weight


1 Cullinan I 530.20 pear
2 CullinanII 317.40 cushion
3 Centenary 273.85 modified heart
4 Jubilee 245.35 cushion
5 Millennium Star 203.04 pear
6 La Luna 200.07 heart
7 Orlov 189.62 rose
8 Jacob-Victoria 184.50 oval
9 Regent 140.64 cushion
10 Paragon 137.82 7-sided
11 Premier Rose 137.02 pear
12 Queen of Holland 135.92 cushion
13 Zale Light of Peace 130.27 Pear
14 Niarchos 128.25 Pear
15 Portuguese 127.02 asscher
16 Jonker 125.35 emerald
17 Al-Nader 115.83 pear
18 Taj-i-Mah 115.06 moghul
19 Edna Star 115.00 emerald
20 Koh-i-Nur 108.93 oval
21 Mouawad Magic 108.81 emerald
22 Cartier 107.07 pear
23 Star of Egypt 105.51 emerald
24 Mouawad Splendor 101.84 pear
25 Star of America 100.57 asscher
26 Star of Happiness 100.36 radiant
27 Star of the Season 100.10 pea

The first discovery of diamonds in South Africa in mid-1860 as a farm Nicholas Diederick de Beer, not far from what is currently in the city of Kimberley. Two of the Kimberley diamond mines, known as De Beers, and these companies, and has become the most productive diamond mines. Actual production took place on a hill on the farm, and he called Cole Kopple mountain where the intensive production, and through the pipes of the diamond, which is now known as the Kimber Lites. He was named after the Kimberley mine, the first Earl of Kimberley, who was secretary of the British colony. Built in the Kimberley in 1878 and incorporated into the Cape colony in 1880.

In 1871, and structured English Cecil Rhodes and the investor's claim in the De Beers mines. With the growth of investment Rhodes and finally managed to buy some diamond mines in South Africa. In 1888, Rhodes and De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd., until mid-1890, Rhodes is the association of diamonds with a view to disseminating the word diamond, the high prices and strong demand. Diamond Syndicate was the first day in the Central Selling Organization, which controlled a large part of the world diamond trade.

In 1917, and Ernest Oppenheimer, Anglo-American Company, which controls the diamond mines in South-West Africa (Namibia), and the establishment of a new unit of the diamond syndicate. In 1926, Oppenheimer had bought a seat on the Board of Directors of De Beers, and was president for 3 years. Since then, De Beers Consolidated Mines Company is closely linked to the Anglo-American Corporation of South Africa, for consideration in the diamond mines in South Africa and Namibia, as well as control of the diamonds in the world.

Another important discovery was the diamond mines in South Africa in 1902, Sir Thomas Cullinan, the Prime Minister of Mines in the Transvaal and South Africa. This was the largest mine in the world, weighing 3106 carats of diamonds in the rough discovered in 1905, and the name of Cullinan Diamond necessary. Color of the large diamond was purchased by the Government and the Transvaal in 1907 the title of the British monarch, King Edward VII. After that, the President and the diamond mines of diamonds, and Niarchos, in 1954, Barton and Taylor in 1966, Rosa and the Prime Minister in 1978

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