Monday, August 31, 2009

Vergas Diamond

August 13 revealed 1938 when Brazil has one of the largest gem weighing 726.6 carats of diamonds, and the San Antonio River Mena Gerard elected commandeer the gravel in the region. Two pretentiousness (drilling and diamond prospectors), Joaquim Venancio Tiago, Miguel Manuel Dominguez, was lucky to find her.

Fate does not extend very far. Not long after was the diamond broker for $ 56,000, was sold to a man who sold for $ 235,000. On the other hand, buyers represented by the World Dutch Dutch central Amsterdam selling of precious stones in the Union. Until then, President Vargas Diamond "Dardanelles Julio Vargas, 1930-45 (1951-54 and President of Brazil was to honor").

Harry Winston security deposits in the basement of the bank, and even a stone in Brazil through its agents, learned of its existence, has advised its size and excellent quality are rare. He visited London, then to Amsterdam, where he recently bought Vargas is the chairman. New York by registered mail to the proper normal diamonds sent the cost of seventy money was only $ 750,000 of the faithful Loyds.

Because of the unusual construction was decided that President Vargas breakage. There are 20 carat gold piece is a publication of this first, pear, and weighs 10.05 carats and fashion. The result was two pieces of diamonds and other structures and one of the 150-carat 550 carat. But in all, nine gems President Vargas was nineteen true ten small and large 411.06 carat total weight. Page cut off the sixth session, a pear-shaped, including a Marques, less jewelry, delicious food and one of the ten triangles.

Is your name, said: "President Vargas," The Jewel of the largest, a page is to keep -48.26 reducing weight.

For many years the diamond Robert Fort Worth, Texas, purchased in 1944 was the wife of George Windfohr.

In 1958, bought by Harry Winston, and again, and then decrease flawless 44.17-carat stone and sold again in 1961.

Other customers found not known, and Baroda in 1948 and is said to be one of the gems bought Vargas.

Page reduce the number of fourth and fifth in the last two years, came up for sale in New York in Sudbi. In April 1989 President Vargas IV, 28,03 carat weight, and the former Lydia Morrison, jewelry and brought $ 781,000, while in October 1992, President Vargas VI, 25,4 carats, sold for $ 396,000 expense.

Diamond Verga expand

Crude oil and precious stones cut diamonds Vargas, 29, of which 19 were the size of the remaining 10 smaller stones. The total weight was 411 carats of diamonds over .06. 29 gems from the 16 - Cut Emerald, a pear-shaped and marquise one piece. Small stones and 10 Brillants triangular one is the baguette. All types of diamonds from the diamond D color quality was excellent.

The largest diamond one - Page cut weighing 48.26 carats and the name of President Hafez Vargas.

Being D, Vargas Diamond color is probably the kind of internal diamond, diamond pure chemical and structural proper. Such as nitrogen, hydrogen and boron, a chemical defect in diamond color. Similarly, there can be no structural distortions of the rare fancy color diamond supply. The absence of both of these factors is the colorless diamond. But all these natural diamond in a jewel case is only 1-2%.

Finders diamond for luck in meeting your valuable time to find a suitable buyer is lost, and broker diamond sold for $ 56,000. The money for the transport of valuable undue haste, the discovery of diamonds Finders experienced a great loss, the broker for a brief period during which the purchase of diamonds sold in the $ 235,000 price increase. Finally, the central bank is represented by Dutch Dutch Amsterdam diamond was bought by the syndicate. Dornelles President Getulio Vargas, and then diamond "President Vargas," the Executive Director of Brazil for the query should be named in honor Lal 15 χρόνια 1930-1945 for 4 years for Brazil to power, and 1951-1954. Social and economic changes must be submitted with President Vargas contributed to the modernization of the country brought. It is also the poor »in« in history as the father of big business and big owners went to war.

Diamond then moved to Amsterdam where the Dutch central bank safety deposit box kept in the cellar. Simultaneously, the famous diamond dealer, New York, and Harry Winston, and representative in Brazil for an excellent and large-scale diamond jeweler to find out. Harry Winston exceptional first stone was reputed buyers, take a trip from London to Amsterdam, at any time. In Amsterdam, and began negotiations with the Association of Dutch Property diamonds, and finally got the stone. Diamonds and secure for $ 750,000 Loyds before, and even normal shipping company by registered letter to New York and agreed to the diamonds. It is normal for the office of New York to send the value of diamonds from Harry Winston was the strategy adopted to reduce attention to the valuable things, which is otherwise a serious security risks.

Harry Winston team cut the rough diamonds Thursday a study of the overall and long-term study, which lasted several months later, and finally decided to break into several pieces, so that the quality of diamonds from uncommon for many small diamonds to, but go for one or two large diamond of lower quality. Diamonds was launched in 1941. There are 20 carats of diamonds in a piece for the first time before the party is that publication. This 10.05 carat piece after another, and excellent quality, pear-shaped diamond turned. The first two unequal large pieces of diamond, weighing over 550 carats, and the other was hoofed up to 150 carats. Cleavings later, and after 29 and finally see the diamond in small pieces, of which 29 have been polished, multifaceted gems, of which 19 were of large size, most with 48.26 carats, and the rest are small . 411.06 total carat weight of diamonds has ended, and the original stone and weight decrease of 43%.

As for size, 16 diamonds - emerald cut stone, a pear-shaped, and was one of the pieces Marques. Ten pieces of baguette diamonds and a small triangular was fantastic. -48,26 Biggest cut page weight, appointed by President Hafez-al Vargas.


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  2. Este não ser varga, este ser SEFADÚ!
