Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Shah Diamond

Shah Diamond

The Shah, the diamond is the largest diamond history of the 17th century to a great emperor Akbar the Great and his successors, Jehangir and Shah Jehan Shah. The diamond takes its name from the emperor to the king (1556-1605), and entered his name in diamond in Arabic. English translation of this text reads as follows: - Akbar Shah, Shah of the World, 1028 e
Characteristics of diamond

"Most of the diamonds in the world where diamonds are said which weighed 120 carats in Arabic or English, 116 carats. It is also awarded one of the peacocks in the eyes of famous peacock throne of Shah Jehan. Moreover, there fact is that color, brightness or shape / cut diamond. diamond of Indian origin, and assume that the white color of the stone, or should be colored, and one color background of the Most of the Indian diamond industry, which was developed in the diamond mines in the southern Philippines, including the famous Golconda diamonds.
More information before

In all respects a beautiful stone, "the greatest Shah" completely at the end of the seventeenth century, but recently. Thanks for the information to us courtesy of George G. Blogg & Co. in London, and we been able to trace the great Emperor Akbar Shah, the famous, the first owner. He remained in the treasury during the great Shah Jehan, who was a beautiful engraved in Arabic characters on both sides. After a long time suddenly appeared a few years ago in Turkey, where he was known as "Pastor Stone." However, two of the written leaves no room for doubt about the true source. Mr. George Blogg bought in Constantinople, in February 1866, and was told at that time that, according to tradition, and one eye on the throne, and destroyed the nadir Shah. Arriving in London, where he will be back in the fall the most viable as a form of the late ML. Mr. Tétras. Is then sold by the horrible G. Blogg Gaekwar of Baroda in 1867, for a period of 3 ½ lacs of rupees (35,000 pounds) and now is hidden away from the other treasures of Prince during the strict regime.

The stone weighs 120 in the original Arabic or in English, 116 carats. But in the hands of the parts are down to about 71 or 72 carats, and during this process are the markings are completely destroyed. Copy and fax, but the first time, with translation into English: --

1) Akbar Shah, Shah of the world - one in 1028. E.

2) If the Lord of the world - e 1039 - Shah Jahan

No date. 1, 1028 Ah, corresponding to 1650 AD, but the biggest Humayun, who succeeded in 1556, died in 1605. Therefore, the file can not be larger than itself pre-burned. It is clear that the general history of Shah Jahan, during the term of the title, including the fact that the stone belonged to the maximum. His second entry appears later, in eleven years, and Shah Jehan, then the owner, who ruled 1627-1666, and his government on the same date.
The year 1028 H, corresponding to 1650 AD that is not true. This is a game in 1619. D.

He said that the rule of Shah Jehan in 1627 until 1666, which is not true. Shah Jehan line from 1627 until 1658.
The reign of the great emperor of the British Encyclopedia regarding the following: --

1) Akbar Shah, or emperor, Akbar the Great: - 1556-1605

2) or the Emperor Jahangir Jahangir Shah - 1605 to 1627

3) of the Emperor Shah Jahan - 1627-1658

E during the first post in 1028, equivalent to 1619 AD is the policy of Jahangir Shah, 14 years after the death of Akbar the Great. Thus, it is necessary to record the first attack on the instructions of Shah Jahangir, May, who want to preserve the memory of his grandfather.

E that the year 1039 included in the second which is equivalent to 1630 AD, which corresponds to the reign of Emperor Shah Jahan, and after three years of the throne. Shah Jahan is a tendency to record his name in diamond, the names of two other famous diamonds, the Shah of large diamonds, and the Taj Mahal and diamonds.

The next question is how the diamonds belonging to the emperor of an event, the great West. If, as mentioned in the account of Edwin Streeter Shah and diamonds from the most important to the famous throne of Shah Jahan, which was destroyed by Nadir Shah of Persia, the Shah Jahan, diamonds, and it must come d 'below the line until the great emperor Muhammad Shah in 1719.

1) Emperor Aurangzeb - 1658-1707.

2) Bahadur Shah - 1707-1712.

3) Jahandar Shah - 1712-1713.

4) Faruq al-Siyar - 1713-1719.

5) Muhammad Shah - 1719-1748.

Is the period of Muhammad Shah in February 1739, with Nadir Shah, the governor and the lights of neighboring Iran, which has created a great empire stretching from the river inds in the Caucasus mountains , and the invasion of Northern India, Delhi and Agra held after defeating the forces of Ahmed Shah. Nader Shah fired Agra and Delhi, and abandoned by the army at the end of the day in May 1739, granted the grace of about 70 crores (700 million rupees), the assistance provided by Iran to exempt from all taxes for the next three years. Most of the looting of a grain of a great emperor, including Koh - i-Nur, Nur me daria sacred and light eyes, and the famous throne of Shah Jahan.

Modern details

After the assassination of Nadir Shah in 1749. Most of its treasures have been stolen by the staff and leaders. Some of them have been lost, but some were later found the founder of the Qajar dynasty, Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar. The dismantling of the throne after the death of Nadir Shah and jewelry stolen from the throne. Akbar Shah, the diamond is mounted on the throne lost in this process.
Diamonds stolen in the 1740s seems to end in Istanbul in Turkey in 1866, and was purchased by Mr. George Blogg London, which was re-cut stone as a diamond drop from 71 to 72 carats, kasamaang generosity that also remove two inscriptions on diamonds. Diamonds on sale later Mulhar Rao, Gaekwar Baroda, is the family of Gaekwar until 1988, when Fatehsinhrao Gaekwad and his wife announced Shantadevi Southern Star with diamonds, diamonds and the Empress Eugenie, in the context major income tax on capital in 1988.
More Details

Shah carat diamond is 88.7 cm long and 3 yellow diamond crystal. And found this diamond in the central Philippines, and possibly in 1450.

The court found in Ahmed Shah Najjar. In 1591, and Nizam Shah was carved on one of the realities of the diamond: Burhan - Nizam Shah II. The year 1000.

As in 1591, the governor of northern Philippines, the biggest grand grand, and Ahmed Al-inconvenience and confiscated diamonds. After the grand-son, Shah Jehan up on the throne of the greatest figures in the field, outstanding leadership for the establishment of another title: "The son of Jehangir Shah Shah Jehan. Year 1051." Before the modern calendar is 1641. The son of Shah Jehan - Aureng Zeb is a diamond in his throne and surrounded by rubies and emeralds. Until 1738, and diamonds, and the Shah was unique to Delhi.

In 1738, Nadir Shah, attacked the Philippines, and seized the diamonds, and took to Persia. In 1824, and the third for the registration of names on the third aspect: "The opening of Kadgar Governor Sultan Ali Shah. Year 1242. "

In 1829, writer and diplomat Alexander Griboyedov killed in the capital of Iran, and Tehran. The Russian government demanded severe punishment for those responsible. The fear of the opening of the Court of Shah Ali Shah, son of the Shah - Hosrov Mirza Saint Petersburg, where he was the Czar of Russia in the Shah diamond as a gift. Thus, the Shah diamond Kremlin Diamond Fund, which shows one of seven historic jewels


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