Tuesday, August 18, 2009

History of Regent Diamond

Marie-Louise Date of Emerald and Diamond Parure

Napoleon Bonaparte, and absolute power as dictator and then Emperor of France

Napoleon Bonaparte, a dictator of France, which has the first consul in 1799, then Emperor of France in 1804, was the direct result of the French Revolution. The French Revolution, which propelled at an early age to the highest office of the State. People trusted by a large number of victories in France, and they expect to achieve much needed peace in this country after the turmoil and uncertainty after the revolution, and put an end to chaos, and the consolidation of political and social conquests of the revolution. But that people of France did not know whether Napoleon did not believe in the sovereignty of the people, and the popular will, during parliamentary debates. It was sponsored by a secret ambition to work in place of the deposition Bourbon princes, and assume the title of Emperor of France. Similarly, between 1799 and 1804 as the first consular calculated to achieve this goal. For the appearance of legitimacy to its actions, and received the Pope Pius VII to Paris and devotes crown the emperor of France. Near the court of Emperor Napoleon I of the glory of overcoming some of the old Bourbon princes.

First marriage of Napoleon to Josephine

Josephine, the eldest daughter of Joseph Tascher Pagerie the married father of a young army officer in the rich béarnaise Vicente Alexander in 1779 at the age of 16 years. Josephine was raised in the air in rural areas of the island of Martinique, where she lived for a period of 15 years of marriage. If Alexander was ashamed of them in rural areas and lack of ethics and evolution, and dismissed by the Court of Marie-Antoinette at Versailles. Josephine was not wearing her two children, a daughter and a son Eugene Hortense. Indifferent attitude of Josephine Alexander finally led to their divorce in 1785. After the divorce, remained in Paris for several years, and is determined to learn the ways of the elite of high society and the patricians. In 1794, at the height of the French Revolution, and her ex-husband, Alexander, who served in the revolutionary army, and disagree with those who have an interest and death guillotined.

Josephine, who is currently at an advanced woman, drew the attention of neighbors and ambitious officer, Napoleon Bonaparte, who fell in love with it. Napoleon after the appointment of the Italian speed, Josephine decided to marry and the marriage took place on 9 March 1796. It seems that Napoleon had enthusiastically in love with Josephine, for his part, but it is not indifferent to rotate his love for her. But he went into a joke with the officers of the army, while Napoleon was absent from the campaign in Egypt in 1798-99, Napoleon and the return of the divorce. Saved by the marriage of children, who appealed to the couple. Breaking: Napoleon and forgive their sins. After Napoleon became first consul in 1779, worked closely with her husband in his political career. The couple became very close to each other, and when Napoleon took control of the emperor of France, and was able to convince him to make a new wedding ceremony with religious rites, which took place a day before the coronation of Pope at Notre Dame - that has to Friday, 2 December 1804. In addition, Josephine was able to use his power and find a good husband with her husband, two children from his first marriage. The daughter Hortense to marry his brother Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, and his son Eugene, who was appointed by the commander of Napoleon in Italy, married the daughter of the King of Bavaria.

Josephine is now well established that the empress of France, the Court found all related to the greatness and glory of his office. In particular, it has become known for luxury and a fabulous collection of jewels in flow, especially from her husband, beloved wife of Napoleon. However, the pressure on their relationship with Napoleon Josephine was not the problem, and able to provide his son, who succeeded in the future emperor of Rome. Thus, Napoleon had decided to dispense with Josephine, and take a second wife, had already planned to marry Marie Louise, the daughter of Emperor Francis I of Austria, after the separation. Napoleon was able to Josephine separation in January 1810, without recourse to divorce, and that from a previous marriage in 1804 was invalid as a parish priest was not present at the ceremony. After the divorce, Josephine left the presidential palace in a private home outside Paris, and continued to retain the emperor.

The second marriage of Napoleon with Marie Louise

Marie Louise, who was behind the "House of Habsburg Austria, is the eldest daughter of Emperor Francis I of Austria and Marie-Thérèse, was a niece of Marie Antoinette and the unfortunate Queen of France was guillotined at the time of the French Revolution. Napoleon Bonaparte, married, 1 April 1810, after the annulment of previous marriage of Empress Josephine by her child. a result of this marriage was waiting anxiously for his son and heir, the future king of Rome, was born 20 March 1811. Emperor Napoleon and his father happy and introduced the Queen with a pair of 275 carats which Briolette necklace with diamonds, to celebrate the birth of his son long desired. necklace is known as Marie Louise in a diamond necklace.

Napoleon's France in the absence of military campaigns are ongoing, and Mary Louise governor has acted in Paris. At the end of the day, and after the defeat of Napoleon in 1814, and to relinquish the throne, and she returned to Vienna with her son. They have refused to join Napoleon's exile in Elba, and some account of the severe pain of the former emperor. Treaty, "the source of Napoleon's exile to the island of Elba, and was awarded to Marie-Louise dommen Duke of Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla, which was ratified by the Congress of Vienna. Marie-Louise, while the rule of the fields, and was in love with Adam Adalbert, Count von Neipperg, and the father of her two children. Finally, after The death of Napoleon Bonaparte on St. Helena in May 5, 1821, and married Adam Albert in September 1821.

Crowning of Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon was not only a brilliant soldier, but also a great patron of the arts. Also expressed for the care and jewelry craftsmen in Paris, showing a piece of fine jewelry and has worked for the use of his trial, where a wide range of jewelry for his coronation, the culmination of Empress Josephine. Martin Napoleon services Biennais, a talented artisan jewelry in Paris, the culmination of the slogans and the crown of the king and the sword. Winners under the guise of slogans, and the Crown, and the sword, staff, and the Orb, and chain, ring and necklace ermine, covered with the most precious of all gems and jewelry. Crown Martin designed Biennais, Charlemagne in the Middle Ages like the Crown, which was destroyed during the French Revolution, and is usually used by the princes of France to the winners. The famous and beautiful "Regent Diamond" in the grip of Napoleon's coronation sword

During the coronation ceremony and Pope Pius VII, the first is the crown and other emblems of the altar and blessed them, and after the return of its President on the altar. Napoleon on his throne, and got up and went to the altar, the altar and the crown of his head, crowning himself. This procedure was agreed earlier, that Napoleon would not accept the Pope great for him. He went to the altar and the removal of Charles the crown of his head, and returns to the altar, and replaced by a laurel wreath in gold, the type worn by Roman emperors. Then the "Karel the Crown" of the altar, and walk from Josephine and kneeling on his head, and crowned as the Empress of France.

Splendor of the court of Napoleon and His Excellency

After ascending to the throne of the Emperor of France, Napoleon held a court in the festivities that took place in an atmosphere of glory and splendor maximum, which was founded by the great presentation of gems and precious stones. The grandeur and splendor of the Court, but more than some of the Bourbon kings who preceded him, and almost as much pomp and circumstance in the Great Hall of the Emperor Shah Jahan (1628-58) of India. The size of the extravagance and reached a peak at the time of the marriage of Napoleon to Archduchess Marie Louise of Austria, on 1 April 1810.

The Napoleon of the Emerald and Diamond Parure as a wedding gift of Mary Louise

Napoleon extended the royal patronage of the jewelery industry in Paris, to restore the state of Paris, luxury and creative way, a position that was lost after the revolution. To give an impetus to industry and contributed to the revival in 1807 and reported by the Chamber of Commerce, of which 400 Jewelers in Paris, and used 800 of 2000 men and women.

One of the most experienced jewelers in Paris, at a time when children No Marie Etienne, who previously worked with Aubert, Jewelers of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. Napoleon appointed jeweler. Marie-Etienne, where he died in 1809 and was succeeded by his son François Renault, the court jewels. Jewelers Court as a father and son, Napoleon helped rebuild Trevor Crown jewels scattered during the French Revolution, and access to diamonds, emeralds and other precious stones to the industry that the mandate given ornaments for women .

At the time of his marriage to Marie-Louise in 1810, François Renaud, who was entrusted with the task of design and manufacture of ornaments of emeralds and diamonds will be presented to Marie-Louise as a wedding gift. Emerald, which is also available in the Treasury of the Crown are not sufficient for the implementation of the dress that the designer François Renault was forced to buy spare parts and bio-letter square cut emeralds of a total weight of 290 carats of the implementation of the monarchy. The study, "Marie Louise necklace of emeralds and diamonds," acquired by the Louvre museum in recent years, the use of the Emerald Necklace to the exceptional quality of the "loupe clean" with the deep green velvet, and believes that the famous emerald mines of Muzo Colombia, where the emerald was won without interruption from 1594 to mid-century, 18th, when production was stopped due to the fire disaster, not to return after independence from Colombia in 1819. François Regnault peace parure of Marie Louise completed in March 1810, before marriage, which took place in early April. Is gift of the empress of the ornament collection and not the property of the State.

Maria Louise Emerald and Diamond Parure to Austria after the fall of the empire

After the fall of the empire of Napoleon and a waiver in 1814, Marie-Louise returned to Austria with her son. Repeat all the Crown Jewels in the Crown in possession of cash, but on the basis of personal jewelry from Austria. These include the Maria Louise Emerald and Diamond Parure is the gift of Napoleon to the wedding. Parure, it stays with them throughout the duration of sound as the Duchess of Pharma, and the time of his death in 1847, he inherited his aunt Archduchess Elise owner. T..

The course of succession to the arch-duchess Elise Alice parure of Archduchess

Archduchess Elise, who was married to the son of Archduke Rainer of Leopold II, the son inherited the adornment of the Archduke Leopold, a godson and nephew of the Empress Marie Louise. Ornament of the Duke Leopold was finally taken over by Duke Karl Albrecht, and them is his wife, Archduchess of Alice and her son, after his death in 1951

Regent diamond gained fame when Napoleon decided to decorate his fight with the sword: amazing is the huge size of 140.64 carats, with very slight blue cast. The diamond was discovered in a mine in India and slave Golonda secret spirit of those who hid in the reduction of production in the leg. In 1792, every grain of France had been stolen, and the Regent diamond is one of the jewels were missing. Napoleon stone to use in search of 1801. Napoleon was married twice, and the other is a woman, archduchess of Austria, but returned home after the death of her husband, and the Governor of Austria issued the document. With the passage of time, and properties in France, as a donation of archduchess father. It is now in the Louvre, and many other amazing treasures.
Regent diamond

Wonderful stone of Indian origin and was known as the diamond-Pitt after Pitt, Thomas, which occurred after 1701 in cases that remain unclear to date. He claimed to pay £ 20.000 for it, and that costs 5,000 pounds (2), and taken to reduce the time. Split and dust in this process, including between 7,000 and 8,000 pounds sterling. Finally, he came to France in 1717 with the sale of 135,000 pounds sterling, and segments. Renamed the Regent here. After the theft in 1792 (see above), with the hope and Sancy (see below), was found later in the year, and the National Diamond from France, has promised as part of the many complex financial transactions during that the tumultuous period. When Napoleon Bonaparte came to power, has to deal with his sword, and after the fall of 1814, often traveled around the stone, but in 1824 was in France and make the culmination of Charles X. Petra is now displayed in the Louvre, in fact, was lucky to sell a large number of other stones in France in 1887 and who survived the Second World War, was hidden behind the stone to one of the castles, Chambord.

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